Movement jointsDewmark
Главная Services Dewmark Strain Joints

Movement joints

Strojtehnologija is the official regional dealer and certified contractor for the arrangement of specialized dew joints Dewmark.

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Expansion joints are an integral part of the construction sphere, distributing stresses and deformation, ensuring the stability and durability of construction structures and industrial floors. The company "Deumark" is the leading Russian company operating in the market of deformation joints since 2007. All profiles and components are manufactured in Russia in-house.

Order Dewmark from Strojtehnologiiand receive as a gift:

Technical Calculation po Facility
Technical Calculation po Facility AS A GIFT
Project Approval Assistance
Project Approval Assistance AS A GIFT
Floor casting supervision from 15,000sqm
Floor casting supervision from 15,000sqm AS A GIFT

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You call +7 912 310 52 95

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