Главная Company News The construction of "turnkey" in three stages

The construction of "turnkey" in three stages

01 июля 2015

The construction of "turnkey" in three stages

Stage 1. Surveys on the land and collection of baseline data.

- Project work;

- Change of permitted use of land with the passage of the necessary procedures and obtaining opinions;

- Analysis of the location and placement of the facility on the land;

- Analysis of compliance of the permitted use and town-planning norms;

- Preparation of technical specifications to the existing engineering communications;

Stage 2. Obtaining a construction permit.

- Design work in General design.

- Making the necessary permits and documentation during the construction works;

- Interaction with the state construction supervision during construction;

- Making and receiving certificates of compliance with technical conditions.

Stage 3. The commissioning.

- Execution of construction and Assembly works as a General contractor;

- Commissioning of a facility, completed construction, in operation with the collection of all necessary certificates, opinions and obtaining permission to object input in operation

- Coordination and execution of acts of admission of engineering systems with Rostekhnadzor.

A comprehensive approach when dealing with "turnkey" is 100% responsible for the result, organization and coordination of the entire spectrum of construction works, which saves our clients time. This work is a guarantee of flawless quality of work performed, as by its own efforts and with the help of subcontractors, strict adherence to deadlines and construction standards and requirements.

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