Stroytehnologiya company since 2012 performs industrial floors coated with poliuretantsementnym Ucrete concern BASF.
«Ucrete - the best solution for industrial floors in a hostile environment," and the company's specialists Stroytehnologiya, 2015 complied with floor covering Ucrete of over 20,000 m2, and received a lot of positive feedback from customers, support this company motto BASF.
Flooring systems Ucrete includes a unique range of products with different textures and surface characteristics. Coatings Ucrete have exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals to the constant moisture, high impact strength and heat resistance.
The line has the materials and device technology coating on vertical surfaces adjacent to floors, thermal and chemical resistance of a special sealant. The use of such a comprehensive solution to create a monolithic tight abutment wall / floor and eliminates the possibility of destruction of structures due to unprotected contact with liquids under cover.
To reduce the time to stop production and timely commissioning of production facilities in operation, there is an option of fast installation and repair coverage.
Flooring: Ucrete used in the following industries:
Food industry: production, processing, power plants, dairies, meat processing plants, fish, bakery, refrigerators, beverage, bottling lines, fruit processing, canning line.
Heavy industry: metalworking, transportation management areas subject to high loads.
Pharmaceutical industry: the production of drugs, laboratories, research centers, hygienically clean rooms.
Chemical industry: chemicals storage, processing and operations with chemicals.
Ucrete coatings include polyurethane-type cement materials, they do not soften when exposed to temperatures up to 130 C.
In addition to high temperature resistance coatings wear Ucrete to withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures and thermal shock effect, able to withstand the impact of recurring and regular discharges of boiling water.
Industrial floors Ucrete performed in different thicknesses depending on the operating conditions and temperature regimes from 4 to 12 mm. The thicker the coating, the better it is protected by a line of adhesion to the substrate by strong impacts in the event of extreme thermal loads.
Ucrete systems are highly resistant to a wide range of chemically active substances, including a large number of organic acids and solvents.
There is a wide range of surface textures from smooth to highly textured, slip resistance. Appearance finishing surfaces includes one color, terrazzo and powder.
Each type has its own method of coating performance. Different complexity of work performance depends on the application necessary tools and equipment, production technology works, the number of operations. On the type of coverage also depends on turnaround time and the time of commissioning.
Based on my own experience and theoretical knowledge of experts of the company "Stroytehnologiya" will assist and help in choosing the right system materials, prepare detailed terms of reference. Specialists of the polymer portion of the company with the most modern equipment to perform the necessary work package to the provision of quality assurance for up to 5 years.
At each stage of works on the device may cover part of Technical Supervision company BASF, from the design of the sexes, select the type of coating to control the application of materials and subsequent operation with the care and cleaning of industrial floors.
Objects made from coated Ucrete:
"Agrofirm Ariant"
Meat Processing Plant "Ariant" (primary and deep processing of meat)
Assessment center
Shop gelation
The foundation of pipe-bending mill
LLC "Orenbah"
Killer production of cattle
JSC "Hlebprom"
Factory for the production of cakes. Furnace shop
Ltd. "Chebarkul bird"
Heat treatment department
JSC "KHP them. Grigorovich"
Line for production of short pasta pasta shop